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Copper Creek Contractors emergency roofing services in Champaign, Illinois

emergency roofing

Emergency Roofing Services in Champaign, Illinois

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Fast Response

Communication with Insurance

Roof Repair

Experiencing A Roof Emergency?

Tree land on your roof? Is water leaking in? Have shingles strewn throughout your yard? When an emergency happens, you need help right now. We have a team of experienced roofing professionals ready when you need us. Our goal is to address the situation to prevent any further damage and then to create a plan for a more permanent repair or replacement. We have extensive experience working with insurance companies to provide all of the necessary support materials to get your claim processed and approved.

Fast Response

If your roof has experienced severe damage, time is of the essence. We have the experience and equipment to provide temporary repairs to help minimize any further damage to your home until permanent repairs can be made.  


Roof Repair

Fallen trees, torn or blown-off shingles, ice dams, flashing failures, and torn gutters are among the issues that can occur after a storm. After ensuring that your home is reasonably protected through temporary measures, we will assess the full extent of the damage and provide you with a list of items that need to be repaired. In some cases, we will recommend a full roof replacement.


Effective Communication With Insurance Companies

In order to approve your repair, your insurance company will need to be provided with details and pictures of the damage. We will review your adjuster's notes and estimate and will perform our own inspection. In many cases, your claim may need to supplement in order to get your roof replaced at the quality it was before the storm hit. We understand the insurance approval process and will work with your insurance company to get your roof back in good working order. 

Copper Creek Contractors solar roofing in Champaign, Illinois


Lower & Locked in Utility Bill, $0 Down,
Federal Tax Credit & State Rebate,
Increased Home Value, + 25 Year Warranty

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